Saturday, October 31, 2009

the pictures

hey there. It is the last week of school. I mean school has ended already. we have lots of memories to remember.

Umm, there is something wrong with our class blog blogger account so I uploaded all the pictures to my blog instead. Feel free to go to my blog to view the pictures.

Thank you and enjoy your holidays. Don't get into any trouble okie!?

(p.s : don't spam my blog. or else i will block you from my tagboard.)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hey Yo

Dear members of 1/2,

Well I hope you guys like this blog, with its fresh new look. It is colorful. (So don't fight on the colors of the blog) Through this, I hope that all of you stay longer on the blog. (tehehehe) and be much more united.

With this new term coming, I hope that there will be peace and hapiness, not to mention less noise and name-calling. I hope that we can have a fresh start for term 3, and change our subject teachers' impression of us as a class.

Study hard for the coming end-of-year exam and be in 2/2, together, next year.

Your class ex-chairman,